☛ SPECIAL OFFER: Save $50 on a PLATINUM membership NOW!

In today’s rapidly evolving AI landscape, where technology can handle routine tasks, market analysis and other technical aspects of your work, the true differentiator for Financial Advisors like you lies in mastering soft skills. And now through Oct 25, we’re offering you an opportunity to save $50 on the annual PLATINUM membership fee and tap into the wisdom and inspiration I share based on my 50+ years of experience in the industry.

☛ See offer details and promo code

Offer's good for new members, upgrades & renewals, ends 10/25.

To Prospective Subscribers

Dear Prospective Subscriber:

If you’ve clicked over to this letter then you’re obviously interested in taking your career to the next level. Let me tell you how I can help.

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Every Tuesday, you will get an actionable piece of advice from Don Connelly, related blog posts on the topic, and what's new on the blog PLUS Don's "10 Great Analogies" in pdf format right away.


Live Webinars with Don

Premium members of the learning center have the opportunity to participate in Live Webinars with Don Connelly at least once per quarter. During these webinars he recaps current challenges and issues affecting the business and ideas for becoming 'Brilliant at the Basics'. Each live event is recorded and available for replay.

Weekly Focus subscribers and Professional members have free access to the most recent Webinar Replay which you’ll find further down this page, and PLATINUM members have exclusive access to the complete library with past Webinar Replays.

Platinum Access: Platinum Members have exclusive access to the complete, on-line library with past Webinar Replays. Download past webinars to your personal device and listen to Don and various guests tackle some of the biggest challenges and issues in the industry today.

Webinar Replay:

The Art of Persuasion

Held: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 @ 4:05PM EDT

If you want your business to take off starting today, improve your communication skills. The better you become at persuading people to follow your ideas, the faster your business will grow. In the words of Warren Buffett. "The one easy way to become worth 50 percent more than you are now -- at least -- is to hone your communication skills.”

During this webinar, The Art of Persuasion, you will learn the formula for mastering this crucial skill, a formula that is over 2000 years old.

A LinkedIn study listed the ten skills most worth learning. Persuasion was near the top of the list. In the words of LinkedIn Learning Editor Paul Petrone, "Strengthening a soft skill is one of the best investments you can make in your career, as they never go out of style."

When you persuade someone to follow your advice, you appeal to their values, their emotions and their logic. Don will explain exactly how that happens. He will show you how to establish your credibility, how to use facts and statistics to satisfy their reasoning, how to stir up their emotions, and how to get people to take action based on how you make them feel.

We talk a lot on Don Connelly 24/7 about the need for establishing a competitive edge. If you become a master of persuasion, I assure you that you will have an advantage over your competition.