If you’ve clicked over to this letter then you’re obviously interested in taking your career to the next level. Let me tell you how I can help.
Want to learn how to overcome objections, master the use of sales ideas and stories, learn how to write a business plan or learn about powerful client phraseology? This section is for you! Let Don talk you through it - watch the introductory video below:
Presented in compelling audio and video podcasts, 'Tools of the Trade' is a collection of thoughts, suggestions and ideas gathered after spending years observing the best of the best. It is in this section that you'll find hundreds of podcasts discussing the tools of greatness. Some tools are tangible and some tools are intangible. All are vital.
While it is possible to be born with talent, nobody is born with skill. Skills must be first learned and then developed continually over a lifetime; the higher the skill level, the greater the performance. You can visualize all day long about being a great Financial Advisor. If you don't have the tools to get there, it's not going to happen. We have to prospect, ask for the business, get referrals and manage our relationships. We examine here those skills which spawn greatness in Financial Advisors. There's no other resource quite like this anywhere.
Podcasts are separated into seven categories. Each category has both audio podcasts and video podcasts. Enjoy the learning and thanks for your confidence in allowing Don to play an important role in your success.